امثلة وتطبيقات مطلوب شرحها ب s7-300
المثال الاول تعبئة صندوق التفاح
By pushing START key you activate Flag1 which represents an assisting flag (Segment 1) that comes up as a condition in further program (resetting depends only on a STOP key). When started, motor of an conveyor for boxes is activated. The conveyor takes a box up to the limit switch, and a motor stops then (Segment 4). Condition for starting a conveyor with apples is actually a limit switch for a box. When a box is detected, a conveyor with apples starts moving (Segment 2). Presence of the box allows counter to count 10 apples through a sensor used for apples and to generate counter CNT010 flag which is a condition for new activation of a conveyor with boxes (Segment 3). When the conveyor with boxes has been activated, limit switch resets counter which is again ready to count 10 apples. Operations repeat until STOP key is pressed when condition for setting Flag1 is lost. Picture below gives a time diagram for a packaging line signal.