السلام عليكم اولا نزل function generator ثم اضغط CLICK يمين على علامه ? عند X1 هيظهر NEW TAG اضغط عليها اكتب اسم ARRAY ثم اضغط على DATA TYPE واختار نوع arrayال REAL ثم تختار dimensional arrays كما هو موضح بالاسفل
Part Data[3]
Part_Array Name Single Element of a 1 Dimensional Array
One-, two-, or three-dimensional arrays:
Part_Data[2,5,3] One-, two-, or three-dimensional arrays:
Array Name
Dimension 3
Dimension 1
Dimension 2
ثمIn type data REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
If you want to use XY1Size DINT Number of points in the piece-wise linear curve to use from table one. If the value is less
than one and Select is cleared, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and theoutput is not changed.
Valid = 1 to (smallest of X1 and Y1 array sizes)
Default = 1
Out REAL Output of the instruction.